Super Domain Names is a division of AiO SYSTEMS INFORMATION LP.
AiO is defined as an operational concept, which differs from established forms of business action. Its organizational framework adopts the system for the organization and operation of a cell, where its members act as units and simultaneously together as a “single entity” provide their services to enterprises.
The individual business units that make up AiO are specialized in the fields of action where their knowledge and experience provide the comparative advantage that by undertaking the execution of various projects to the business they aim exclusively at effectively supporting sustainable development.
In each project where it is necessary to combine and synergy different cognitive objects to fully meet the needs of the Partner-Customers, all units operate in absolute sync to produce the desired result.
AiO has set standards and operating rules for all sub-units through its honeycomb development so that the quality of the services provided is high, making the proposed solutions operationally efficient and undoubtedly productive.